Friday Fails: Maxi Malfunction

Welcome to Friday Fails, where clothes go to die. Today's edition: A maxi malfunction, featuring this dress by Young Fabulous & Broke.  I got this long thing a few years ago at the now defunct Piperlime (RIP), although when I put this on the other day, my husband said "Oh, you've had that dress forever." Does 3-4 years count as forever? [Maybe?] It doesn't feel that long since I don't wear it that often. And now I remember why. Although I love the blue tones and print and super soft fabric, it's waaaay too long. I was forced to wear wedges just so it didn't drag on the ground. I considered having it shortened but then realized I felt like it was too clingy in the belly area and really not helpful on a heavy bloatation day. 

OutFIT or LeaveIT?: It's outta here! If you follow me on Poshmark, look out of this baby. 

Lindsey Kaufman Palan