To Poncho Or Not To Poncho?

I decided to step up the challenge Saturday night with an item that's befuddled me for over 2 years: The Poncho. I bought this lovely hand-woven wrap on a special girl's trip I took to Santa Fe two summers ago with some of my BFFs. One of my favorite memories was our trip to the Taos Gorge Bridge. It's an amazing natural phenomenon AND they have tons of little vendors designed to trap tourists just like us. As my bestie Jen said, "They saw us coming a mile away."
In addition to dream catchers, precious gemstones and other treasures we scooped up, I found this handmade poncho and of course it looked perfect with my outfit that day too. SOLD! It felt awesome to find a one-of-a kind piece made by a lovely, hard-working woman and I knew I'd wear it all the time....or, never once as it turns out. I tried, I really did. But it had to be cool enough weather to so I wouldn't get sweaty in a sweater yet not so cold that I needed a coat over it—that just did not work. Hence, a serious case of the unworn poncho.
at Taos Gorge Bridge with besties Jen & Ray
But this weekend was IT. A lovely fall breeze but not too too chilly and I made it happen! Man, that felt good. I paired it with these low-rise, flare-leg Citizens of Humanity jeans I got on mega sale at a store in the nabe, Diane T. These new ivory Dolce Vita kitten heel booties completed the look. Yes, I said *new* a quasi-dirty word here BUT I am currently in the process of phasing out all my boots from days of yore when I didn't mind traipsing around the city in 3 or 4" heels. NERP! Those days are dunzo and this Brooklyn girl needs to be able to run for the F train and haul bootie across an avenue on the regular. I know I'll wear the ever-loving crap out of these new guys. In fact, if you're following me here, be prepared to get very, very sick of them. Weee!
OutFIT or LeaveIT?: Hooray for ponchos! I'm so happy I was challenged to wear this special piece. Donating it would have felt like such a travesty. I can't wait to wear it again.