Friday Funkday


This week has been a doozy and I woke up feeling beat and in a funk today. My feet hurt [see: HEELS!] and my sinuses decided to turn on me, something that happens quite frequently. But the show must go on, right?

It was pretty chilly this morning (another weather report for you!) and the way I was feeling meant one thing: jeans and sneaks day. I put on my trusty Mother Denim jeans that feel soft like PJ's. I realllly need to start trying to wear my other jeans but hopefully I'll have enough time during the next couple of months. My Stan Smith's felt nice n' ahhh going on after the past few days of foot- torturing shoes. 


Then, a top was needed. I could've phoned it in, thrown on a white tee and called it a day. But I challenged myself to work a little harder and voila! I produced this Kai-Aakmann wide-weave asymmetrical sweater. I bought this with my bestie Jen in Santa Monica (she lives in Venice) over 6 years ago. I know this because I was having a hard time after a breakup and hightailed it to LA for what her husband Goldie referred to as an "emergency trip."  And every emergency needs some retail therapy, obviously. Even in my irrational state, I'm proud that I purchased something I still really like and consistently wear. I'm sure Jen had a hand in guiding that.


You know it's a rough day for me when I can't even manage to put on accessories, so I went with a bright pinky red lip instead and threw on my blush leather Maje moto jacket that I'm obsessed with. I have a black leather jacket (copied from Jen) that I also adore, but sometimes it's just leathery. I highly reco getting a light-colored leather or pleather jacket for times just like these. 

OutFIT or LeaveIT?: This beloved sweater is starting to stretch and wear a liiiitle around the neckline but I'm gonna keep it in rotation until it completely gives out. I still really dig it and its seasonal/outfit versatility. 

Lindsey Kaufman Palan