Mile High Monsoon
spitting rain? sure, I'd love some.
When I arrived in Denver on Friday it was 85º and sunny. Then Saturday, Mother Nature got pissed off and started spitting on everyone. My sister's supercool company hosted a "summer" bbq in the park that afternoon and several brave souls (including us) put on layers of warmth and impermeables and pretended to have fun eating hot dogs in 40º rain! We went home and didn't leave the house again.
sisterly selfie
Today was also gross but less terrible so my sister and I ventured out to find her some new clothes. (She has the opposite problem I do—she could wear her whole closet in about 5 minutes). We went to the Cherry Creek mall where I rediscovered the wonder of mall shopping. I quasi-grew up in a mall. My mom used to drop me off there by myself when I was 11 (very mature for my age, I'm told) and I'd cruise around for hours, never getting bored or tired, enamored by all the treasures one place could hold. Perhaps this is where a psychologist would trace the root of my shopping issues to—but that's for another time.
You'll be thrilled to know I didn't try on or purchase any clothing! I stayed focused on my sister and it felt good to leave empty-handed. Okay, I left with a new lipstick and eye shadow but THAT'S OKAY!
I was *almost* warm in my McGuire jeans I got this past spring, and denim-blue and white striped sweatshirt I got 4 years ago when I first discovered the amazingness that is ASOS. It's such a simple top but I still really like it and consistently wear it each season. I threw on my blush colored Maje leather jacket, a very nice-looking-but-actually-super-cheapo necklace I bought when my bestie Jen worked for Glamour and they came out with a random line of jewelry for QVC. It always jazzes up anything that's a little ho-hum and I usually get lots of compliments too! The indigo scarf was also found by that same bestie. While on a girl's trip to Santa Fe, NM with our other bestie, Ray, we did a lot of vintage shopping and I was crushing hard on a super similar scarf. However that one was $300! No way, Santa Fe. But my lil' Jen found something similar in LA and sent it to me, like the gem she is. You will probably be seeing a lot more of it very soon. Consider yourselves warned.
OutFIT or LeaveIT?: I really dig all these pieces! As long as the sweatshirt keeps on keepin' on (it is showing a feeeew signs of wear) it will keep on rockin' in the free world, aka my closet.