Jumper-ing For Joy In Denver
I took a super early flight Friday am to Denver to visit my sister, bro-in-law and favorite ginger baby niece. I really don't understand how anyone travels in clothing that doesn't resemble pajamas. Clearly, I'm not one of those people. So at 5:45am, I put on yet another onesie (yes that is 3 days in a row if anyone's counting). This one is by Splendid, found on Gilt, at the beginning of the summer.
*Side note* I have recently unsubscribed to Gilt emails because they are evil and I am weak and powerless when I see a potential designer deal. I think this should help with my closet volume.
I threw on a super old but yummy (and still nicely intact) American Apparel cardigan, some blush colored Sperry slides and tumbled out the door. There was a woman in front of me on my flight in almost the EXACT same jumper and it took a lot of restraint to not exclaim "Onesie twinsies!" when we made eye contact.
My niece just turned one last week and I was so excited to see her and my nephew dog, Wally. Denver is a great place to hang out with everyone. Except when it's cold. No one needs more of that.
OutFIT or LeaveIT?: All these pieces fit, are comfy and look pretty good. They shall live on in the wardrobe!