Not Falling For Fall

Seriously, I think I've made it abundantly clear: SUMMER IS NOT OVER. Unfortunately, the weather is only half listening to me (and mostly giving me the finger). This is that "transitional time," which means: You're always wearing too much or too little. 

May or may not be smelling NYC garbage here? photo by Monica Escobar

May or may not be smelling NYC garbage here? photo by Monica Escobar

I walked out with a leather jacket on today because the forecast told me to. Then, I got outside and disagree, went back and left it at home. Then, I was cold. AWESOME! Thanks, not-fall.

Overall, this outfit was appropriate for the weather and time of year—or at least it was trying to be. I bought this Bella Dahl chambray striped tie-bottom top and Mother Denim jeans last spring off the sale rack in a cute Nolita boutique and have worn both countless times since. And that's kinda what I do: I get something new, wear it ad nauseam, and then bury it in my closet with the memory of "I loved that thing once." Perhaps this is how we got to today? 

I felt like the outfit was kinda monochromatic so I swapped out my nude mules for these Dolce Vita shiny metallic silver ones and threw on some blush-colored fringe-y earrings from my beloved H&M. 

nicer face here. See, I'm friendly!

nicer face here. See, I'm friendly!


OutFIT or LeaveIT?: Despite extreme overwear, I'm still smitten with these duds. [Can you tell I'm wearing all my new/favorite things FIRST? No strategy there...]










shop the look

Lindsey Kaufman Palan