I Keep On Fallin'...For Stripes.


As our actual fall (no longer #summerfall) continues, I'm plowing through my warm clothes with joy I could never have imagined. I felt like being cozy today which definitely means sweater—except sometimes sweaters make me, well, sweat. So I grabbed this old faithful H&M stripey sweater I've had for over 2 years. I've finally come to the realization that I cannot wear anything with even 1% wool in it without turning into an itchy Grinch. I'm so dang sensitive! Cashmere is sometimes okay but sometimes also itchy. I've made a lot of clothing purchase mistakes this way so now I am super vigilant about looking at labels. Luckily this one is knit and super cozy without being oppressively hot. 

I thought my good ol' 8 year old self-destructed JBrand jeans would be a good fit for the bottom half. They are seriously SO destroyed at this point and, every time I put them on (in a hurry), I seem to rip the knee "flap" even more. These may not be around that much longer! 


I was super excited to take my new Rachel Comey sample sale find lace up booties out for a spin and they did not disappoint! Seriously, these were a steal and they are shearling lined so they're not only cute but warm AF too. I like how the blush color added a little pop to the ensemble.

OutFit or LeaveIT?: The sweater isn't anything dazzling or exciting but it's a great basic piece I have worn over and over. I need more things like this! The jeans have definitely seen better (destroyed) days. They may be on their last holey legs.  

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