#FridayFails: Coming Up Short
Thursday was kind of a big deal for many reasons. First off, I went to a Rosh Hashanah (jewish new year) service at a really beautiful place inside of Prospect Park in BK. Then, later on I went to to see the Lone Bellow and The Head & The Heart in Central Park in Manhattan. Going to either of these places is a rare occurrence for me. But BOTH in one day? Basically the equivalent of a solar eclipse.
blissfully ignorant that the backside was on the rise.
It was also a "two for onesie" day: I managed to wear two outfits in one day! And one outfit a big outFAIL. I got this Free People onesie in New Orleans on our 1 year anniversary at the cute boutique I found before our wedding. I have to think this garment shrunk in some way because I'm definitely in better shape now and it's somehow gotten shorter! I'm so glad I took the picture of the back otherwise I'd never have noticed it was creepin'—seriously, I'm pretty sure one cheek was trying to sneak out and say 'sup. YIKES.
The sandals are some Dolce Vita's (clearly I am a fan of that label—affordable, chic...what's not to love?) I've had for several years and I'm happy I still really like them. The bag is Gucci from about 8 years ago, helped out by a friend with a killer discount. It's a classic and I will hold on to it as long as it will have me.
cute cutout detail...but unfortunate butt-out detail.
OutFIT or LeaveIT?: This onesie is DONE-sie! I shall thank her for her contribution and send her on her way. Poshmark, look out!